The best part of the Mastering for iTunes course is that it's free! These are the movies that you'll find:
A look at ACC, the iTunes file format
Mastering for iTunes tips and tricks
Exploring the Mastered For iTunes format
Exploring the Mastered For iTunes tools package
Using the iTunes Plus tools: iTunes droplet
Using the Mastered For iTunes Audio To Wave Droplet
Using the Mastered For iTunes AU Round Trip AAC Audio Unit tool
Using the Mastered For iTunes Test Pressing feature
As you can see, there's a lot of information on how to use the various tools for Mastered for iTunes and this is information that you won't find anywhere else. So if you want to start taking advantage of your hi-res files (that's anything that's 24 bit, but up to 96kHz/24bit) on iTunes, here's a great place to start. Did I mention that it's free? Click here to go the Mastering for iTunes course on lynda.com.
By the way, you might want to check out my other lynda.com courses as well; the Audio Mixing Bootcamp and Audio Recording Techniques.
As you can see, there's a lot of information on how to use the various tools for Mastered for iTunes and this is information that you won't find anywhere else. So if you want to start taking advantage of your hi-res files (that's anything that's 24 bit, but up to 96kHz/24bit) on iTunes, here's a great place to start. Did I mention that it's free? Click here to go the Mastering for iTunes course on lynda.com.
By the way, you might want to check out my other lynda.com courses as well; the Audio Mixing Bootcamp and Audio Recording Techniques.
You should follow me on Twitter for daily news and updates on production and the music business.
Don't forget to check out my Music 3.0 blog for tips and tricks on navigating social media and the new music business.
Good on ya, mate!
Much success to you.
Hey, Bobby, your links don't link to the right site, they go to the Audio Mixing Bootcamp. So, where do we go?
Thanks for the heads up, Richard. It should work now.
Dear Mr. Owsinski
I found useful your tutorial regarding Mastered for iTunes but in the part about "Using the Mastered For iTunes AU Round Trip AAC Audio Unit tool" may be is missing the explanation how can you converted the file for a final result after all process, in other word How can you export AIFF or Wave audio file to AAC file after different effects to get an audio in High quality.
Dear Mr. Owsinski
I found useful your tutorial regarding Mastered for iTunes but in the part about "Using the Mastered For iTunes AU Round Trip AAC Audio Unit tool" may be is missing the explanation how can you converted the file for a final result after all process, in other word How can you export AIFF or Wave audio file to AAC file after different effects to get an audio in High quality.
The AU Round Trip is used to check to see if there is any clipping after the file has been converted to AAC. It's not used for exporting. It's only a comparison tool.
Bobby, I just tweeted this to you, and I apologize if that's the wrong venue for such a question.
My roundtripAAC unit looks different than the one in your tutorials! I'm using AULab 2.2.2
I can't find a clip indicator anywhere on it, no matter what settings I choose.
I posted a picture of it on your twitter. Can you help me?
Thanks, art
Art, You have Generic View selected in the last drop down menu on the right. Switch to Apple AAC Roundtrip convertor.
I really appreciate your prompt reply, Bill!
Hmmmm...for some reason unbeknownst to me, "Generic View" is the only drop down option.
Is there something I haven't downloaded?
i've even re-started the computer after downloading to see if that might help, but alas, nothing.
Any light you can shed on this is appreciated...
That sounds like a software issue, and something I'm not familiar with. I suggest you try reinstalling and see if that helps.
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