- A Canadian study found that listening to music at levels of 95+dB SPL can reduce your mental and physical reaction times by up to 20%. This supposedly only applies to operating heavy machinery (like a car), but you can probably expect your car insurance to go up if the insurance company discovers that your hobby is "car audio."
- When the SPL level in a bar goes to 88dB, patrons drink at least one more beer during their stay, according to a French study. This explains why the juke boxes and background music is always so loud.
- The human heart automatically tries to synchronize its beat with the tempo of a song, according to several studies. OK, that explains hit pop songs but what about punk music?
- Music acts like a drug, according to some German research, in that it increases your level of seratonin when you hear music that you like. Seratonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for "good feelings." That's no surprise to most musicians, who already know they're hard-core junkies for the music they love. Of course, listening to unpleasant music has the opposite effect.
Click here to read the entire "7 Little Known Effects of Music on the Body" article.
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