The song has an interesting backstory. It wasn't originally written for the Temps (it was originally given to The Undisputed Truth)
Also, the song was originally almost 12 minutes long (edited down to 6:54 for the single!) and one of the first "cinematic"style singles played by radio.
1) Wow, are these guys good or what? It's such a pleasure to hear 5 great voices sing so well together. The only rough note I heard on the whole thing is at about 3:00 on "And when he died."
2) I'm not sure how this was recorded, but my suspicion is that all the vocalists were recorded at once on a single mic. That's because the compression clamps down a lot from the single voice to the group.
3) There's also a distorted edge on the vocal as well. They probably couldn't hear it very well in those days, when playback systems and room acoustics were fairly primitive.
4) The reverb doesn't sound that great, surprisingly enough. It's fairly short with no pre-delay, but certainly works for the song.
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Wow. I remember hearing this song a zillion times from its deep rotation during the 1970s and I distinctly recall the same clinker note you point to at 3:00. Even inside the full mix it would jump out from the otherwise slick vocal track. We used to wait for it when the song played and howl as it went by. There were a bunch of other sour notes and obvious patches on the radio at the time and we would point them out like trainspotters. What a bunch of geeks we were. Should have been music producers.
Maybe you should sponsor a "spot the clinker" contest on The Big Picture.
Wow! Thanks for posting that, Bobby
Thanks. One thing to correct. Dennis Chambers is a drummer and I believe you meant Dennis Edwards was the singer.
Thanks. You're right. Should be Dennis Edwards.
You can hear a punch-in or edit at 1:43
I can hear an edit or punch-in at 1:43. Also, the lyric is the 3rd of September, bot the 1st.
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